Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CHEVREUL_harmonia por analogia de matiz / harmony in hue analogy

Chevreul no seu "De la Loi du Contraste Simultané des Couleurs et de L'assortiment des Objets Colorés" (1839) estabelece que existe Harmonia quer na analogia quer no contraste de matizes e de claro/escuro. Os alunos deviam neste exercício encontrar exemplos de Harmonia de Analogia entre matizes e registá-lo por fotografia digital.

"Chevreul in his "De la Loi du Contraste Simultané des Couleurs et de L'assortiment des Objets Colorés" (1839) states that there is Harmony both in analogy and in contrast of hue and light /dark. In this exercise the students should find examples of Harmony of Analogy between hues and register it through digital photography.

work by maria eugénia graça dias, portugal

work by rui machado, portugal

work by inês mateus, portugal

work by filipe rosa, portugal

work by rodrigo cláudio, belgium

work by julija osipenko, lithuania

work by george dinu, romania

work by alba ezquerro, spain

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