Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ITTEN_contraste de quente/frio • warm/cold colour contrast

Johannes Itten no seu "Art of Color" define 7 contrastes fundamentais de cor. Aos alunos foi pedido que identificassem e captassem exemplos do Contraste de Quente-Frio utilizando elementos do seu quotidiano, registando-os depois em fotografia digital.

Johannes Itten in his "Art of Color" defines 7 key contrasts of colour. The students were asked to identify and capture examples of Warm-Cold Contrast  using elements of their daily lives, and to recording them in digital photography.

work by vaidotas vaiciulis, lithuania

work by gustavo macedo, portugal

work by inês mateus, portugal

work by matthias kugler, austria

work by julija osipenko, lithuania

work by valentina stehle, germany

work by federico mannino, italy

1 comment:

  1. This image looks very interesting to me and a little bit puzzling: the hot colour is the coolest thing: ice cream!
